Monday, November 29, 2010

Awesome contests

There are great giveaways everyday on the net, you just need to know where to find them. For instance, on the Frugal Family Fun Blog they are having a Blogiversary Celebration Giveaway. They are giving away this adorable Pizza Party Prize Pack from Check it out and enter at Frugal Family Fun Blog but enter quick...the contest ends Sunday, Dec 5 at 6:30PM EST. Hope all you ladies have a lucky Monday :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Adorable Turkey Necklaces

We made these adorable turkey necklaces today. And they were so adorable I had to make one for myself lol. They are so cute. We got the pattern from Family Fun, but we made a few variations. Instead of hole punched cardboard for eyes we used wiggle eyes. And instead of making them pins, we punched holes into two of the feathers and attached yarn. Thank you Family Fun for another quick, easy and totally cute craft project.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Feeling Old

So a few days ago, I threw my back out picking up my 18 month old son. I had to see the doctor and she said it is a fairly common cause of back injuries. And I thought it was just because I'm a weakling. Apparently lots of people have no muscles lol :) Now that it's been a few days I'm feeling quite a bit better but everytime I move, my back pops. Just the beginning of the hill I guess.
Oh and I saw a funny joke the other day that I'll share with you girls.
Go to Google Maps. Ask for directions from Japan to China. Direction number 43 is sure to illicit a few giggles. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Terrible two's at 18 months???

Boy oh boy is my son fussy. Nothing is good enough. If he's being held, he wants down. If he's down, he wants picked up. Anyone else think the terrible two's gives false info? It kind of implies that kids are good til they turn two. Of course mothers know the truth, huh ladies? lol :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

We took the kids to Niabi Zoo on Halloween for an event called Boo at the Zoo. It was really fun. Not only did the kids get tons of candy and cool prizes but also got to see the animals and ride the train. Where was all this stuff when I was a kid? :D