Thursday, September 29, 2011

FREE Dial Nutriskin Lotion Sample

Hey everyone, Walmart just posted a new sample in the In Stores Now section. Go over to to get a free sample of Dial Nutriskin Lotion, just in time for the cooler weather that always seems to dry out my skin. Well Have a good day ladies!

FREE Womens Health 2012 Calander

I love this little calander. It's nice to have in your purse to keep track of appointments and much smaller than a full planner. Just go over to and your calander will ship out in December. Limit one per household. Available in both English and Spanish.

FREE Cottonelle Toilet Paper Roll Cover

A few weeks back they were giving away toilet paper roll covers on but they ran out. I wasn't fast enough to get one originally but apparently now if you play a game on their facebook page you can get one. So hurry on over to to get your free cover before they run out!

FREE Birthday, Thank You or Congratulations Card

It's always nice to have a birthday card handy for those last minute kids parties. Go on over to and "like" them to get our free card sent to you. These Facebook freebies don't typically last horribly long so I'd sign up soon.

FREE Tom's of Maine Strawberry Kids Toothpaste Sample

Last week they had this offer and it ran out but now they've posted it again. Sign up for your free sample while it's still available! Just go to and then in 4-6 weeks you're kids will have a fun, healthy surprise in the mail for them :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2 Great New Rebate Offers

 Hey ladies I've got two great new rebates to tell you about.

Brita Water Pitcher (Slim), 5 cups $8.97 (shows as $9.00 on shelf but rings up at $8.97)
Use $5.00/1 Brita Water Filtration System Printable Coupon
Pay $3.97 OOP (out of pocket)
Submit the $10.00 Rebate Form (rebate offer void in Connecticut and Rhode Island)
Final Price: $6.03 Money Maker

Bissell Stomp 'N Go, 5 pack $4.98
Use $1.00/1 Bissel Stomp 'N Go Stain Lifting Pads Printable Coupon -
Pay $3.98 OOP (out of pocket)
Submit the "Try Me Free" Rebate Offer (maximum rebate value $5.99)
Final Price: FREE

These are great deals and I'm not sure how long they will be available so you might want to go out and get them as soon as possible. Well it's getting late. Goodnight everyone.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Hey there everyone! I know I haven't been keeping the site up-to-date very well. I've actually been working at my fairly new job. You'd think that with 3 days off a week that I would find time to get on here and share my finds with you but I honestly haven't even found time to go shopping...YIKES!!! More than one money maker and passed me by :( but I'm making a mid-year resolution. I need to get on here and go shopping at least once a week and I'm going to make more of an effort to take pictures of what I get. I'm also hoping to get more updates on daily life as a working mom on here but it will all be a work in process so try and be patient with me :)